"Beauty" pears, also known as "Forelle" pears, are a distinct variety known for their small size and unique colouring. Here's an overview of beauty pears:
Appearance: Beauty pears are small to medium-sized with a distinctive yellow-green skin that is often speckled with red dots or blushes. They have a slender neck and a rounded base.
Flavour: These pears have a sweet and mildly tangy flavour, with a crisp and juicy texture. They are often enjoyed fresh due to their refreshing taste.
Nutritional Value: Like other pears, beauty pears are nutritious, containing dietary fibre, vitamins (such as vitamin C and K), and minerals (such as potassium). They are low in calories and fat.
Uses: Beauty pears are versatile and can be eaten fresh as a snack, added to salads for a sweet crunch, or used in desserts such as poached pears or pear tarts. They can also be used for canning or making preserves.
Storage: Store beauty pears at room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate to maintain freshness. They should be handled gently to prevent bruising.